
Proyecto Orgullo’, an HIV prevention, empowerment and community mobilisation intervention for gay men and transgender women in Callao/Lima, Peru

Proyecto Orgullo’, an HIV prevention, empowerment and community mobilisation intervention for gay men and transgender women in Callao/Lima, Peru Año: 2016Autores: Andres Maiorana, Susan Kegeles, Ximena Salazar, Kelika A. Konda, Alfonso Silva-Santisteban, Carlos F. CaceresUbicación: Global Public Health – Marzo 2016 Enlace

Proyecto Orgullo’, an HIV prevention, empowerment and community mobilisation intervention for gay men and transgender women in Callao/Lima, Peru Leer más »

Associations between Forced Sexual Initation HIV Status, Sexual Risk Behavior, Life Stressors, and Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Nigeria

Associations between Forced Sexual Initation HIV Status, Sexual Risk Behavior, Life Stressors, and Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Nigeria Año: 2016Autores: Morenike Oluwatoyin, Abigail Harrison, Brandon Brown, Odetoyinbo, Jamila K. Stockman, Ademola J. Ajuwon, Carlos F. CaceresUbicación: PLos ONE – Abril 2016 Enlace

Associations between Forced Sexual Initation HIV Status, Sexual Risk Behavior, Life Stressors, and Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Nigeria Leer más »

Peru’s HIV care continuum among men who have sex with men and transgender women: opportunities to optimize treatment and prevention

Peru’s HIV care continuum among men who have sex with men and transgender women: opportunities to optimize treatment and prevention Año: 2016Autores: Jeremy Y. Chow, Kelika A. Konda, Annick Borquez, Patricia Caballero, Alfonso Silva-Santisteban, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Carlos F. CaceresUbicación: International Journal of STD & AIDS – Abril 2016 Enlace

Peru’s HIV care continuum among men who have sex with men and transgender women: opportunities to optimize treatment and prevention Leer más »

Laboratory evaluation of a point of care downward flow assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum and human inmunodeficency virus

Laboratory evaluation of a point of care downward flow assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum and human inmunodeficency virus Año: 2016Autores: S. Herbst de Cortina, C. C. Bristow, S. K. Vargas, D. G. Perez, K. A. Konda, C. F. Carceres, J. D. KlausnerUbicación: Journal of Clinical Microbiology – Mayo 2016 Enlace

Laboratory evaluation of a point of care downward flow assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum and human inmunodeficency virus Leer más »

Treponema pallidum pallidum Genotypes and Macrolide Resistance Status in Syphilitic Lesions among Patients at 2 Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinics in Lima, Peru

Treponema pallidum pallidum Genotypes and Macrolide Resistance Status in Syphilitic Lesions among Patients at 2 Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinics in Lima, Peru Año: 2016Autores: Antonio Flores, Silver Keith Vargas, Segundo Leon, Danny Giancarlo Perez, Lourdes Ramos, Jeremy Y Chow, Kelika Konda, Gino Calvo, Hector J. Salvatierra, Jeffrey D. Klaussner, Carlos F. CaceresUbicación: Article in Sex

Treponema pallidum pallidum Genotypes and Macrolide Resistance Status in Syphilitic Lesions among Patients at 2 Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinics in Lima, Peru Leer más »

HIV Status Communication with Sex Partners and Associated Factors Among High-Risk MSM and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru

HIV Status Communication with Sex Partners and Associated Factors Among High-Risk MSM and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru Año: 2016Autores: Kelika A. Konda, Rostislav Castillo, Segundo R. Leon, Alfonso Silva-Santisteban, Ximena Salazar, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Thomas J. Coates, Carlos F. CaceresUbicación: AIDS and Behavior – Junio 2016 Enlace

HIV Status Communication with Sex Partners and Associated Factors Among High-Risk MSM and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru Leer más »

How Peru introduced a plan for comprehensive HIV prevention and care for transwomen

How Peru introduced a plan for comprehensive HIV prevention and care for transwomen Año: 2016Autores: Ximena Salazar, Aron Nunez-Curto, Jana Villayzán, Regina Castillo, Carlos Benites, Patricia Caballero, Carlos F. CaceresUbicación: Journal of the International AIDS Society 19(3 (Suppl 2)) – Julio 2016 Enlace

How Peru introduced a plan for comprehensive HIV prevention and care for transwomen Leer más »

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) incidence and associated risk factores among high-risk MSM and male-to-female transgender women in Lima, Peru.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) incidence and associated risk factores among high-risk MSM and male-to-female transgender women in Lima, Peru. Año: 2015Autores: Cartillo R., Konda K., León S., Silva-Santiesteban A., Salazar X., Klausner J., Coates T., Caceres CF.Ubicación: JAIDS Journal of Adquired Immune Deficency Syndromes – Abril 2015 Enlace

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) incidence and associated risk factores among high-risk MSM and male-to-female transgender women in Lima, Peru. Leer más »

Defining success with HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: a prevention-effective adherence paradigm.

Orgullosamente Diversxs: Dirigido a hombres gais Año: 2015Autores: Haberer JE, Bangsberg DR, Baeten JM, Curran K, Koechlin F, Amico KR, Anderson P, Mugo N, Venter F, Goicochea P, Caceres C, O’Reilly K.Ubicación: AIDS 2015, 29:000–000. DOI:10.1097/QAD.0000000000000647. Descargar

Defining success with HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: a prevention-effective adherence paradigm. Leer más »

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