
Effect of a community popular opinion leader HIV/STI intervention on stigma in urban, coastal Peru.

Effect of a community popular opinion leader HIV/STI intervention on stigma in urban, coastal Peru. Año: 2011Autores: Young SD, Konda K, Caceres C, Galea J, Sung-Jae L, Salazar X, Coates T.Ubicación: AIDS Behav. Jul;15(5):930-7. PubMed PMID: 20953691; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3110996. Descargar

Effect of a community popular opinion leader HIV/STI intervention on stigma in urban, coastal Peru. Leer más »

Impact of a community level, diffusion based HIV/STI intervention on heterosexually-identified, socially marginalised men in urban, coastal Peru.

Impact of a community level, diffusion based HIV/STI intervention on heterosexually-identified, socially marginalised men in urban, coastal Peru. Año: 2011Autores: Konda K, Lescano A, Celentano D, Maiorana A, Salazar X, Rosasco AM, Montano S, Kochel T, Hall E, Coates T, Caceres CF, Kegeles S.Ubicación: Sexually Transmitted Infections 87(Suppl 1):A214-A215 Descargar

Impact of a community level, diffusion based HIV/STI intervention on heterosexually-identified, socially marginalised men in urban, coastal Peru. Leer más »

Latent class analysis of sexual risk patterns among heterosexually-identified, socially marginalised men in urban, coastal Peru.

Latent class analysis of sexual risk patterns among heterosexually-identified, socially marginalised men in urban, coastal Peru. Año: 2011Autores: Konda K, Celentano D, Kegeles S, Coates T, Caceres CF.Ubicación: Sexually Transmitted Infections 87(Suppl 1):A237-A237 Descargar

Latent class analysis of sexual risk patterns among heterosexually-identified, socially marginalised men in urban, coastal Peru. Leer más »

More than just talk: the framing of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerability to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa.

More than just talk: the framing of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerability to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa. Año: 2011Autores: Stoebenau K, Nixon S, Rubincam C, Willan S, Zembe Y, Tsikoane T, Tanga P, Bello H, Caceres C, Townsend L, Rakotoarison P, Razafintsalama V.Ubicación: Globalization and Health, 7:34. Enlace

More than just talk: the framing of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerability to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa. Leer más »

Latent class analysis of sexual risk patterns among esquineros (street corner men) a group of heterosexually identified, socially marginalized men in urban coastal Peru.

Latent class analysis of sexual risk patterns among esquineros (street corner men) a group of heterosexually identified, socially marginalized men in urban coastal Peru. Año: 2011Autores: Konda K, Celentano D, Kegeles S, Coates T, Caceres C, NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group.Ubicación: AIDS Behav. May;15(4):862-8. PubMed PMID: 20694510; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3005540. Descargar

Latent class analysis of sexual risk patterns among esquineros (street corner men) a group of heterosexually identified, socially marginalized men in urban coastal Peru. Leer más »

Results of the NIMH collaborative HIV/sexually transmitted disease prevention trial of a community popular opinion leader intervention.

Results of the NIMH collaborative HIV/sexually transmitted disease prevention trial of a community popular opinion leader intervention. Año: 2010Autores: Caceres CF, Celentano DD, Coates TJ, Hartwell TD, Kasprzyk D, Kelly JA, Kozlov AP, Pequegnat W, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Solomon S, Woelk G, et. al.Ubicación: JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 06/2010; 54(2):204-214. DOI:10.1097/QAI.0b013e3181d61def. Enlace

Results of the NIMH collaborative HIV/sexually transmitted disease prevention trial of a community popular opinion leader intervention. Leer más »

Implementation effects of GFATM-supported HIV/AIDS projects on the health sector, civil society and affected communities in Peru 2004-2007.

Implementation effects of GFATM-supported HIV/AIDS projects on the health sector, civil society and affected communities in Peru 2004-2007. Año: 2010Autores: Cáceres C.F., Girón M, Sandoval C, López R, Valverde R, Pajuelo J, Vásquez P, Rosasco AM, Chirinos A, Silva-Santisteban A.Ubicación: Global Public Health, 5: 3, 247-265 Descargar

Implementation effects of GFATM-supported HIV/AIDS projects on the health sector, civil society and affected communities in Peru 2004-2007. Leer más »

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